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General - Bali - Seminyak

3 more results for General in Seminyak, Bali


Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia
About PT. NAGISA BALI Mission To be the no. 1 management company which always offers sincere, passionate and trustworthy services. Description In 2006, Nagisa Bali means a sea shore in Japanese language. It was founded by Indonesian and Japanese who really loves Bali beaches with firs…


Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia
Polos-rattan was established in the beginning of 2007, is a branch of Polos Design’s division (established 1999), which actives in furniture manufacturing using natural and synthetic rattan as main material of our products. We do believe that “good design is good business”, for th…

s.p. Digital

Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia
s.p. Digital
s.p. Digital is a digital agency focused on helping our clients to build a successful business on web and mobile. We create software and website development, mobile application, web application and content creators for social media management and also creatives to create and logo brand, photography …