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Criminal Law

3 more results for Criminal Law

ABP Advocates

Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
ABP Advocates
Andreas Bagus & Partners (ABP) Advocates is an Indonesian Leading Bankruptcy and Corporate Law Firm located in Depok Town, West Java. Founded by Andreas Christian Aditya and Bagus Wicaksono in 2015, ABP Advocates is a dynamic and fast growing law firm, consists of young smart and creative advoca…


Badung , Bali, Indonesia
Puja Law Firm is based in Denpasar City of Bali, Indonesia. Puja Law Firm provided legal services through non-litigation and/or litigation stage for civil case, criminal case, business dispute, as well as conduct corporate due legal diligence for domestic and overseas…

Ansori Harsa SH., MM & Partners

Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
At Ansori Harsa Law office in Central Java, Semarang, we have over twenty-five years of experience in representing our clients in the state and courts. It is our primary goal to diligently ensure that our clients receive the best legal assistance available, Ansori Harsa Law Office is a full serv…
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