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pengembangan diri

3 more results for pengembangan diri

Miracle Ways

Probolinggo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Miracle Ways
MIRACLE WAYS merupakan program Wahana Miracle Indonesia (W-Mind) Wahana Foundation. MIRACLE, Mind Reprogramming & Accelerated Learning (Pemrograman Ulang Pikiran & Pemercepatan Pembelajaran) merupakan kurikulum pemberdayaan diri dengan metode dan pendekatan efektif karena berdasarkan…

MDI Tack Leadership Training Center

Jakarta Utara, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia
The development of your People is the key to your success. MDI Tack develops your people through world class Leadership Training programs. For long-lasting results, we’ve developed a total support package to help you, your people and your organization make the World Of Difference. Serving Yo…

Compassion Psychological Care & Service

Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Compassion Psychological Care & Serviceshelping people to reach to their fullest potential through psychological assessment, counseling, and therapyhelping company and institution to recruit potential employees, to appraise performace, and to develop personal careerhelping individual (child, tee…
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