2 more results for limbah b3 in Dki Jakarta
Jakarta Selatan, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia
Development is the
responsibility of the Government, who is required to focus on improving the
welfare, prosperity and the living quality of its constituent. On the other
hand, fast-paced development also bore the risk of unjustified exploitation of
natural resources and has the potency to pollu…
Jakarta Utara , Dki Jakarta, Indonesia
Dilatar belakangi keprihatinan mendalam terutama dari kalangan profesional di bidang lingkungan hidup, maka dibentuklah ASOSIASI PENGELOLA LINGKUNGAN HIDUP NUSANTARA sebagai
wujud partisipasi dan peran serta aktif masyarakat, terutama dari
kalangan tenaga profesional yang berlatarbelakang keilmu…