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roof garden

2 more results for roof garden


Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia
Perusahaan kami adalah spesialis pembuatan taman vertikal (vertical garden, greenwall, living wall, vertical landscape) mulai dari skala rumahan sampai skala gedung dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif dibandingkan sistim lain yang ada dipasaran.Sebagai pionir di Indonesia sejak 2010, sampai saat ini…

PT. Tropica Greeneries

Jakarta, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia
PT. Tropica Greeneries
PT. Tropica Greeneries is a Landscape company. We Design & Build. Specialiced in Roof and Vertical Gardens. We are one of the view Landscaping companies in indonesia that have our own nursery.Our Nursery supports our landscaping projects as well as our export and import of tropical plants…