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2 more results for pastry

Nutri Prima Sejahtera, PT

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Nutri Prima Sejahtera, PT
BAKERY, PASTRY & ICE CREAM INGREDIENTS SUPPLIERWe are a indonesian company specialized in Pastry , Bakery , Ice cream and Beverages products. Shortly , you can find the Bakery, pastry, ice cream & beverages products as followings: Flavours (Vanilla, Orange, Lemon, Butter, Jamaican Rum,…

Elly's Cake

Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Elly's Cake
Elly’s Cake Art Boutique has been standing since 2003, continuously giving clients a wonderful experience on their special moments. We strive to always keep up our intricate designs, not forgetting our scrumptious recipes.We are offering custom wedding cake and birthday cakes.#custom cake surabaya…