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TiyoWidodo English Translating Service

Jalan Pleburan Barat No. 46, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, 50241, Indonesia

Phone: 085226474911

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About TiyoWidodo English Translating Service
TiyoWidodo English Translating Service provides services in document translation. The documents included within the service are journal, journal abstract, company profile, formal letter, book, thesis abstract, and English-based web contents. TiyoWidodo English Translating Service is based in the center of the capital city of Central Java Province, Indonesia and has been experienced for 12 years doing the business. The translation is done manually by referring to as many literatures as possible. In other words, you are not going to receive any Transtool-based translated materials. TiyoWidodo English Translating Service holds ability in translating documents from English to Bahasa Indonesia, and vice versa. The service ranges from social sciences to medicine, from law to politics, from economics psychology, etc. TiyoWidodo English Translating Service is willing to deliver the best result as it can do for the satisfaction of its customers.

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