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 Indonesia Business Directory
PT FTNL Technologies (A TYM ASIA Pacific LTD company)

Menara Cakrawala, 12th flr Jalan Thamrin No. 9 , Jakarta, Dki Jakarta, 10340, Indonesia

Email PT FTNL Technologies (A TYM ASIA Pacific LTD company)

About PT FTNL Technologies (A TYM ASIA Pacific LTD company)
For the last few years we have been developing and sourcing energy saving products. Because we care for the environment, and because we listen to you, a worldwide team is here to provide you the wildest range of energy saving products.

We are proud to provide you a wide range of products linked with your needs and with your customers needs.

Due to our activity there is a minimum order quantity (between 500 and 1000 pcs).

If you are interested please feel free to contact us.

Thank you.
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