Soekarno HattaTlogosari Kulon no10, Semarang, Id-jw, 387535, Indonesia

Established May 2017
hidessh provides Free Premium Accounts: SSH, SSH TLS, OpenVPN, L2TP / IPsec and Wireguard. Create a free account in just seconds, HideSSH is built with powerful quality servers with Unlimite Bandwith, High Speed Connection, Faster, Secure Connection and get other best performance
Our service limits every day to only 30 - 100 users per server, so it's not easy to slow down internet access. Our servers can be customized by users, and also supports online games ,whatsapp calls and whatsapp video call
all available services Open Port: TCP and UDP protocol | OpenSSH: 22 Dropbear 80,44,77 | SSL: 222,442,777 | Badvpn: 7300 | Squid: 3128.8888 and multi port 443, you can choose the service according to your needs, our SSH speed is faster and more reliable than others.
make your connection more secure and Unblock All Sites, We will make your connection private and make it safe, With HideSSH this will create a secure connection that sends information, especially passwords, in simple text that is easy to intercept
We use High Quality Servers that come from Providers: AWS Amazon, Vultr, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud Platform, OVH, Linode, and Upcloud
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