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 Indonesia Business Directory
EasyLiving Interior

Rukan Taman Meruya Blok N/8, Jl Batu Mulia No. 1, Jakarta, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia

Phone: +62 21 26171770

Fax: +62 21 56962526

Email EasyLiving Interior

About EasyLiving Interior

With experiences in interiors, we carry a mission to help you redefine the interiors. Anything you ever think about, talk about, dream about, we’ll help you to make it real. A luxurious modern interiors right in your lovely home.

Designed by our top class professional designer with creative ideas to produce attractive and innovative design, maximizing spaces and elimanating dead space. Made on top quality materials and finishes. Our high skilled craftmanship and attention to details ensure that you will have interior to be proud of.

Make an appointment today with us where you can consult with our specialist at your earliest possible stage in the planning process. We will guide you through the selection of designs, colors, styles, and furnishes that best suit your lifestyle. We will provide you professional service, from creative space planning to complete installation.

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