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Jl Letnan Ramli 31, Bangkalan Madura, Jawa Timur, 69111, Indonesia

Phone: 0.318.169.7071

Email Baherba

About Baherba
Selling many kinds of herb medicine and thibbunnabawy (prophet healing method) such as honey, olive oil, extract of dates, nigella sativa / habbatussauda etc. that insya Alloh can heal any kind of diseases such cancer, diabet, anemia, impoten, stroke etc.

Please contact us via email at We services to all over Indonesia and world wide delivery.

Menjual macam-macam obat herba dan thibbunnabawy (metode pengobatan nabi) seperti madu, minyak zaitun, sari kurma, nigela sativa / habbatussauda dan lain-lain yang insya Alloh bisa menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit seperti kanker, diabetes, anemia /kurang darah, impoten / lemah syahwat, stroke dll

Silahkan hubungi lewat email Kami melayani seluruh Indonesia dan dunia.

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