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violand latex manufacture

TANGERANG, Banten, Banten, Indonesia

violand latex manufacture
About violand latex manufacture
Violand natural latex is produced with a sound concept based on the superior Comfort technology. Design by the best experts. Its components are made of chosen material to meet the highest standard of quality.

Violand is so healthy and ecologically friendly. Without chemical properties that would cause harm to human beings and that it has no detrimental impact on the environment during manufacturing.

Violand natural latex is hygienic, hypoallergenic, and antibacterial all type from Renarity, Jo-jo, Do-do, Renata, Artexx, Moxee, Lumbar orthopedic, felice, Christy orthopedic
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violand natural latex - Indonesia Producer Mattress

violand natural latex - Indonesia Producer Mattress

02/04/2011 VIOLAND® Natural Latex is a specialized production of latex products (high-end, luxury bedding) businesses. Strong technical force, a strong teaching staff, machinery and equipment advanced, set design, development, production and sales of emergi... Read More »

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