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By Xpertum

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10/07/2011 Dear customers & students,

we would like to emphasize that our services are 100% individual. We provide necessary information to you in a first meeting. The information provided in that meeting will enable you to decide whether Germany is a relevant study location for you or not. And this first meeting is for free. We do not charge you for this. So you are very welcome to sit with us and discuss your case.

Yours sincerely,

M. Stephen

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We do our job, so that you can focus on your studies. Kami memberikan konsultasi dan bantuan dalam segala hal yang berhubungan dengan studi di Jerman. Konsultasi dan bantuan yang kami berikan meliputi persiapan studi, keberangkatan ke Jerman, kursus bahasa Jerman, kedatangan di Jerman, private dan …

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