By TAJI & REKAN - Indonesian Law Firm
02/03/2014 Indonesian advocates have serious ethical and legal obligations to their clients. The Code specifically governs the advocate’s duties to his/her client, which include:
a. Do not provide misleading information to a client in respect of the case.
b. Do not guarantee a client for successful outcome.
c. Do not burden a client with unnecessary expenses and costs.
d. Must not Refuse to handle a case that lack of legal ground;
e. Maintaining the confidentiality of all matters informed to him by his client and such confidentiality must be maintained at all times even after advocate-client relationship comes to an end.
f. Not withdrawing from a case at a time that is inopportune for the client, or when such withdrawal could bring irreparable loss or prejudice against the client.
g. Not representing a client there is a "conflict of interest". A "conflict of interest" can occur if the lawyer's personal interests, another client's interests, or former client's interests conflict with client’s interests.
The Code of Ethics also governs relationship among lawyers. Pursuant to the Code of Ethics, a lawyer shall not be permitted to entice or “poach” clients away from another lawyer. Should a client wishes to change his / her legal representative, then his / her new lawyer may only accept the case after receiving proof that the proxy which was granted to the original lawyer is withdrawn.
TAJI & REKAN - Indonesian Law Firm

TAJI & REKAN (TNR) is a full service Indonesian law firm with first class attorneys providing first class service for first class client anywhere in Indonesia.Our attorneys and lawyers are committed to advancing the interests of our clients throughout Indonesia and we have advises individuals, c…