By Spoorindo Yogyakarta tours & travel
As a Hindu temple the main temple has three shrines, dedicated to the Hindu trinity. Ciwa, Vhisnu, and Brahma. Each of these shrines is facing a smaller shrine for their vehicles. The Cow Nandi is the vehicle of Ciwathe destroyer God. The eagle garuda is the vehicle of Vhisnuthe guardian God. And the Swan Angsa is the vehicle of Brahmathe creator God. It was built the Sanjaya dynasty in the 9th century.
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Spoorindo Yogyakarta tours & travel
Yogyakarta Tours called as culture city, because many cultural activities held in this city like: Art of painting, art of music and art of dance. Yogyakarta called as tourism city, because many tourist attraction can be found here like Temple: BOROBUDUR, PRAMBANAN, Sambisari, Kalasan, King Boko, Bay…
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