Cara Pembayaran
Transfer Bank (T/T)
A.Photo Sensor:
1. Accessories Connection Boxes
- 2AB44V01- 5MPUR Connection Box for M12 x 1, 4-pin, 4 places
- 2AB44V01-10MPUR Connection Box for M12 x 1, 4-pin, 4 places
- 2AB84V02-10MPUR Connection Box for M12 x 1, 4-pin, 8 places
- 2AB84V02-5MPUR Connection Box for M12 x 1, 4-pin, 8 places
- 8AB43V01-5MPUR Connection Box for M8 x 1, 3-pin, 4 places
- 8AB43V01-10MPUR Connection Box for M8 x 1, 3-pin, 4 places
- 8AB83V01-5MPUR Connection Box for M8 x 1, 3-pin, 8 places .
- 8AB83V01-10MPUR Connection Box for M8 x 1, 3-pin, 8 places
- 7AB44V01-10MPUR Connection Box for M8 x 1, 4-pin, 4 places
- 7AB44V01-5MPUR Connection Box for M8 x 1, 4-pin, 4 places
- 7AB84V01-10MPUR Connection Box for M8 x 1, 4-pin, 8 places
- 7AB84V01-5MPUR Connection Box for M8 x 1, 4-pin, 8 places
2. Accessories Connection Cabel for Connection Boxes
- BG2SG2V3-06M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BG2SG2V3-1M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BG2SG2V3-2M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BW2SG2V1-1M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BW2SG2V1-2M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BG2SG2V3-03M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BG2SG2V1-1M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BG2SG2V1-2M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BW2SG2V1-06M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BG2SG2V1-06M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BG8SG8V1-2M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 3-pin
- BG8SG8V1-06M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 3-pin
- BG8SG8V1-1M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 3-pin
- BG7SG2V1-06M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 4-pin
- BW7SG7V1-2M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 4-pin
- BW7SG7V1-1M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 4-pin
- BW7SG7V1-06M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 4-pin
- BG7SG7V1-2M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 4-pin
- BG7SG7V1-1M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 4-pin
- BG7SG7V1-06M Connection Cable M8 x 1, 4-pin
- BG7SG2V1-1M Connection Cable M8 x 1, M12 x 1, 4-pin
- BG7SG2V1-2M Connection Cable M8 x 1, M12 x 1, 4-pin
3. Accessories Connection Equipment
A232 Adapter Box for RS-232 connection
S35W-3M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 5-pin
S35W-5M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 5-pin
S35G-3M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 5-pin
S35G-5M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 5-pin
S88W-10MPUR Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S88W-5MPUR Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S88W-2MPUR Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S88-20MPUR Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S88-10MPUR Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S88-2MPUR Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S80W-10M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S80W-5M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S80W-2M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S80-5M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S80-10M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S80-2M Connecting Line M12 x 1, 8-pin
S56-5MPUR Connecting Line M8 x 1, 3-pin
S56-5M Connecting Line M8 x 1, 3-pin
S49-2M Connecting Line M8 x 1, 3-pin
S49-5M Connecting Line M8 x 1, 3-pin
S56-2M Connecting Line M8 x 1, 3-pin
S60-5M Connecting Line M8 x 1, 4-pin
S61-5M Connecting Line M8 x 1, 4-pin
S60-2M Connecting Line M8 x 1, 4-pin
S61-2M Connecting Line M8 x 1, 4-pin
BG88SG88V2-2M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 8-pin
BG88SG88V2-03M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 8-pin
BG88SG88V2-06M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 8-pin
BG88SG88V2-1M Connection Cable M12 x 1, 8-pin
ZAB02NN01 Connection Socket M12 x 1, 4-pin
S02 Connection Socket M12 x 1, 4-pin
BW80-ME Connection Socket M12 x 1, 8-pin
BG80-ME Connection Socket M12 x 1, 8-pin
S07G Connection Socket M8 x 1, 4-pin
S07W Connection Socket M8 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02V501 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02V602 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02V802 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02V502 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02V201 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02V202 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02R501 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02R502 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02R201 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
ZAS02R202 Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S26-2MIP69K Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S29-5MPUR Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S29-2MPUR Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S29-10M Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S29-5M Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S29-2M Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S27-2MIP69K Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S23-10MPUR Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S27-5M Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S27-5MPUR Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S27-2MPUR Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S27-10M Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S27-2M Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S23-5MPUR Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S23-2MPUR Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S23-2M Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S23-5M Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S23-10M Connectng Line M12 x 1, 4-pin
S03G Connector Plug M12 x 1, 4-pin
SW80-ME Connector Plug M12 x 1, 8-pin
SG80-ME Connector Plug M12 x 1, 8-pin
SW07-ME Connector Plug M8 x 1, 4-pin
SG07-ME Connector Plug M8 x 1, 4-pin
S232W3 Interface cable
BG8V1P-N-2M PNP-NPN Converter M8 x 1, 3-pin
BG7V1P-N-2M PNP-NPN Converter M8 x 1, 4-pin
BG2V1P-N-2M PNP-NPN Converter, M12 x 1, 4-pin
OPT70N T-Plug for Signal Extraction
OPT70S T-Plug for Signal Extraction and Logic Interruption
OPT70S+ T-Plug for Signal Extraction and Logic Interruption
4. Accessories general
JU2 Adjustment Disk for Universal Reflex Sensor M18 x 1
E2L Adjustment Key for YO99_
E1L Adjustment key for ZD600_ / ZW600_
UEM18KU-02 Cap nut M18 x 1
UEM18ME-01 Cap nut M18 x 1
UEM30KU-01 Cap nut M30 x 1, 5
UEM30ME-01 Cap nut M30 x 1, 5
LA7 Convex Lens for Optical Sensors M18 x 1
LA9 Deflection Mirror for optical sensors M12 x 1
GS1 Glass Disc for Universal Reflex Sensor M18 x 1
GS2 Glass Disc for Universal Reflex Sensor M30 x 1
FW01 White Light Halogen White Light Source for Color Sensor Type FD01
LA2 Lens for Plastic Fiber Optic Cable M2, 5
LA3 Lens with Lateral Light Emission for Plastic Fibre Optic Cable M2, 5
Z0007 Protection Clip, M12 x 1
L1 Replacement Lamp for FW01
5. Accessories Mounting Brackets
WK Mounting Bracket 32 x 16 x 12 mm
WP Mounting Bracket 50 x 50 x 20 mm
WM2 Mounting Bracket 54, 5 x 27 x 16 mm
WN Mounting Bracket 76 x 32, 5 x 18 mm
WTA Mounting Bracket 81 x 55 x 30 mm
WT Mounting Bracket 81 x 75 x 34 mm
WRSF Mounting Bracket 99 x 46 18 mm
W30 Mounting Bracket M 30 x 1, 5
W12L Mounting Bracket M12 x 1
W12 Mounting Bracket M12 x 1
W18L Mounting Bracket M18 x 1
W18 Mounting Bracket M18 x 1
6. Accessories Mounting Clamps
BSM12B Mounting Clamp for M12, plasic
BSM18B Mounting Clamp for M18, plasic
BSM8NB Mounting Clamp for M8, plastic
BS4 Mounting Clamp for Ø 10, 0 mm, Nickel plated brass
BS5 Mounting Clamp for Ø 12, 0 mm, Nickel plated brass
BS6 Mounting Clamp for Ø 3, 5 mm, Aluminium anodised
BS1 Mounting Clamp for Ø 4, 5 mm, Nickel plated brass
BS9 Mounting Clamp for Ø 5, 0 mm, Aluminium anodised
BS2 Mounting Clamp for Ø 6, 0 mm, Nickel plated brass
BS7 Mounting Clamp for Ø 7, 0 mm, Aluminium anodised
BS8 Mounting Clamp for Ø 8, 0 mm, Aluminium anodised
BS3 Mounting Clamp for Ø 8, 0 mm, Nickel plated brass
7. Accessories Mounting System
8. Accessories Reflectors
RQ100BA Reflector, 100 x 100 x 9, 2 mm
RE18040BA Reflector, 180 x 41 x 8 mm
RE3220BM Reflector, 32 x 20 x 3, 2 mm
RE6040BR Reflector, 60 x 41 x 8 mm
RE6040BA Reflector, 60 x 41 x 8 mm
RE6151BH Reflector, 61 x 51, 5 x 7 mm
RE6151BM Reflector, 61 x 51, 5 x 7 mm
RE6210BM Reflector, 62 x 10 x 3, 7 mm
RE8222BA Reflector, 82 x 22, 5 x 7, 5 mm
RQ84BA Reflector, 84, 5 x 84, 5 x 9 mm
RE9538BA Reflector, 95 x 38 x 8 mm
RR21DM Reflector, Ø 19 mm
RR21KM Reflector, Ø 20, 5 mm
RR25KM Reflector, Ø 25, 2 mm
RR25KP Reflector, Ø 25, 2 mm
RR25DM Reflector, Ø 25, 2 mm
RR34KM Reflector, Ø 34, 5 mm
RR34DM Reflector, Ø 34, 5 mm
RR50DA Reflector, Ø 50 mm
RR50KA Reflector, Ø 51 mm
RR50SA Reflector, Ø 51 mm
RR84BA Reflector, Ø 84 mm
ZRAF07K01 Reflex Foil, 1000 x 25 mm
ZRAF08K01 Reflex Foil, 1000 x 50 mm
RF4050 Reflex Foil, 40 x 50 mm
RF255 Reflex Foil, 500 x 25 mm
RF505 Reflex Foil, 500 x 50 mm
RF258 Reflex Foil, 80 x 25 mm
RF508 Reflex Foil, 80 x 50 mm
9. Analog Evaluation Unit menu driven
10. Analog Reflex Sensors
11. Color Sensors
12. Controller for Through Beam Sensors
13. Evaluation Unit for Color Sensor FD
14. Fork Sensors
15. Gloss Sensor
16. Luminescence Reflex Sensors
17. Plastic Fiber Optic Cable Reflex Mode
18. Plastic Fiber Optic Cable Through Beam Mode
19. Power Supply Unit for sensors
20. Print Mark Sensors
21. Reflex Sensors
22. Reflex Sensors for adaption of Fiber Optic Cables
23. Reflex Sensors for Contrast Detection
24. Reflex Sensors for Contrast Measurement
25. Reflex Sensors for Measuring Tasks
26. Reflex Sensors for Roller Conveyor Systems
27. Reflex Sensors with Background Suppression
28. Retro-Reflex Sensors
29. Retro-Reflex Sensors for Clear Glass Recognition
30. Retro-Reflex Sensors for Roller Conveyor Systems
31. Through Beam Sensors
32. Transit Time Sensors
33. Transit Time Sensors for Measuring Tasks
34. Univ. Through Beam Sensors
35. Universal Reflex Sensors
B. Inductive Proximity Switch
1.Accessories Connection Equipment
2. Accessories general
3. Accessories Mounting Brackets/ Clamps
4. Accessories Mounting System
5. Inductive All-Metal Switch Correction Factor 1, Welding Field Resistant
6. Inductive Analog Sensors Correction Factor 1
7. Inductive Full-Metal Switch Full-Metal Housing
8. Inductive Proximity Switché s
C. InoxSens
1. Accessories Connection Boxes
2 Accessories Connection Equipment
3. Accessories Mounting Technics
4. Accessories Reflectors
5. Inductive Full-Metal Switch Full-Metal Housing
6. Mounting Clamps for Ø 20, 0 mm
7. Mounting Consoles for Ø 20, 0 mm
8. Mounting Tubes with InoxLock
9. Protection Housing
10. Reflectors in Stainless Steel Protection Housing
11. Reflex Sensors
12. Reflex Sensors with Background Suppression
13. Retro-Reflex Sensors for Clear Glass Recognition
D. Ident
1. Accessories Connection Equipment
2. Accessories general
3. Accessories Mounting Technics
4. Connection Box
5. Fieldbus Gateway
6. Flood Light
7. OCR Reader
8. Ring Illuminator
9. Scanners 1D / 2D Code Handheld Scanner
10. Scanners 1D / 2D Code Scanner
11. Scanners CCD array
12. Scanners Raster Scanner
13. Scanners Sweep Raster Scanner
14. Spot Light
15. Vision Sensor
E. Safty Technology
1. Accessories Connection Equipment
2. Accessories general
3. Accessories Mounting Brackets
4. Connection Unit A for SG2-30B
5. Individual Safety Light Barrier Control Unit Protection Mode IP20
6. Protection Column with Deflection Mirror
7. Protection Column with Screening Grid
8. Relay Unit Type 2/ Type 4
9. Safety Light Curtain Type 2 Finger Protection
10. Safety Light Curtain Type 2 for Connection Unit A
11. Safety Light Curtain Type 2 Hand Protection
12. Safety Light Curtain Type 4 Finger Protection
13. Safety Light Curtain Type 4 Hand Protection
14. Safety Through Beam Sensor .

PT. Wiratama Mitra Abadi experienced in the field I. supply of engineering products such as flow meter, Flowmeter, Hydraulic Parts, Oil Skimmer, Liquid Flow Meter, Linning clutch, Flow Sensor, MAG, MICRO SENSOR, Lubricating Pump, Flow Control, Portable Flow Meter, Heavy Duty Connector, Gas analy…
Clamp On Ultrasonic flow meters
Flow Meter, Water Meter, flow sensor
Digital Water Metar, Flow Meter Air
Level Control, Level Tank, Level Sensor
Heavy Duty Connector, Connector Sibas
Connector Harting, Hood, Housing, Han A
Nanaboshi Connector, Plug, Receptacle
Ultrasonic Flow Meter, flowmeter, Portable flowmeter, Flow meter air
Magnetic Flow Meter, electromagnetic flowmeter, water flow meter, Alia Flow Meters
Level Transmitter, Level Sensor, Liquid Level
Hydraulic breaker, hydraulic hammer, Rock breaker, Rock hammer, Rock D
Harting connector, heavy duty connector, han kit, plug, socket, hood
Gear, KHK Gear, Helical Gear, Rack Gear, Spur Gear, Bevel Gear, Intern
Gas analyzer, NGK Analyzer, oxygen analyzer, zirconia sensor
Fuel Meter, Flow Meter Solar, Oil Flow meter, Gas Flow Meter
Cylinder Hydraulic, Cromeylinder Pneumatic, Hardch
Compass, Barometer, Clino Meter, Binocular, Clear View Screen, Kompas
CLUTCH AND BRAKE, Warner, Wichita, Formsprag
Air Motor, Pneumatic Motor, Air Gear Motor, Gast air Motor
Air Cutter, Nile air Tools, Muromoto tekko, Multi Purpose Scissor
Connector Nanaboshi, Plug, Receptacle