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Rigging Accessories


Rigging Accessories

03/13/2011 Spec : Wire Clips G-450, Sockets, Wirelock, Shackle (G-209, G-210, G-2130), Rigging (turnbuckle), Swivels, Chain, Hooks 320AN, Latch Kit, Thimble, Masterlink, Eye Bolt, Grab Hooks, Connecting Link, Lebus Load Binders (L-140, L-150), Boomer Chain, Snatch Block, Tail Board, McKissick, wire rope, shackles, screw pin anchor shackles G209, alloy screw pin shackles G209A, Bolt type anchor shackles G2130, Alloy Bolt type anchor shackles G2140, G2160 wide body shackles, sling saver fittings, hooks and swive, asessories rigging dan rantai Shackles G-209, G-209A, G-213, G-2130, G-2140, G-2160, Eye Hooks S-320, S-320N, Swivel Hooks S-322CN/S-322AN, Turnbuckles Hook HG-223, HG-225, HG-226, HG-227, HG-228, chain sling, webbing, rachet, shackle.
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Bahtera Gunajaya, adalah stockist dan distributor kebutuhan kapal, baik kapal Niaga, kapal Penangkap Ikan maupun kapal Pesiar. Kami menyediakan kebutuhan olah raga air dan selam (Diving). Kami juga bergerak dibidang pengadaan Lifting Equipment & Material Handling, khususnyawire rope, sling, chai…

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