Memmert Universal Ovens UNB / UFB / UNE / UFE / UNP / UFP Our U Universal ovens are so varied that almost every customer application can be covered by them. Choose from: * 9 model sizes (14l to 749l) * 3 performance classes Basic/Excellent/Perfect * Natural convection or forced air circulation N/F * UFB 400 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Basic ) * UFB 500 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Basic ) * UFE 400 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent ) * UFE 500 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent ) * UFE 550 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent ) * UFE 600 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent ) * UFE 700 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent ) * UFE 800 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent ) * UFP 400 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect ) * UFP 500 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect ) * UFP 550 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect ) * UFP 600 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect ) * UFP 700 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect ) * UFP 800 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect ) * UNB 100 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic ) * UNB 200 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic ) * UNB 300 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic ) * UNB 400 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic ) * UNB 500 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic ) * UNE 200 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent ) * UNE 300 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent ) * UNE 400 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent ) * UNE 500 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent ) * UNE 550 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent ) * UNE 600 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent ) * UNE 700 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent ) * UNE 800 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent ) * UNP 200 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect ) * UNP 300 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect ) * UNP 400 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect ) * UNP 500 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect ) * UNP 550 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect ) * UNP 600 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect ) * UNP 700 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect ) * UNP 800 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect )
02/24/2011 Memmert Universal Ovens UNB / UFB / UNE / UFE / UNP / UFP
Our U Universal ovens are so varied that almost every customer application can be covered by them. Choose from:
- 9 model sizes (14l to 749l)
- 3 performance classes Basic/Excellent/Perfect
- Natural convection or forced air circulation N/F
- UFB 400 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Basic )
- UFB 500 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Basic )
- UFE 400 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent )
- UFE 500 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent )
- UFE 550 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent )
- UFE 600 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent )
- UFE 700 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent )
- UFE 800 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Excellent )
- UFP 400 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect )
- UFP 500 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect )
- UFP 550 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect )
- UFP 600 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect )
- UFP 700 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect )
- UFP 800 ( Universal Oven / Forced air circulation (Fan) / Perfect )
- UNB 100 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic )
- UNB 200 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic )
- UNB 300 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic )
- UNB 400 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic )
- UNB 500 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Basic )
- UNE 200 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent )
- UNE 300 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent )
- UNE 400 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent )
- UNE 500 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent )
- UNE 550 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent )
- UNE 600 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent )
- UNE 700 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent )
- UNE 800 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Excellent )
- UNP 200 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect )
- UNP 300 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect )
- UNP 400 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect )
- UNP 500 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect )
- UNP 550 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect )
- UNP 600 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect )
- UNP 700 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect )
- UNP 800 ( Universal Oven / Natural air circulation (Convection) / Perfect )
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Produk / Jasa UtamaMenjual: distributor atau subdistributorMEMMERT INDONESIA PT. Sumber Arum Abadi adalah distributor atau subdistributor resmi produk memmert di Indonesia. Produk memmert: Oven, Incubator, Water Bath, Humidity Chamber, CO2 Incubator, Oil Bath, Water Bath, Environmental Chambe…
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