01/07/2013 Logistic is one of the most important part in company’s business strategy,
because its role in planning and to organize the flow and the storage of goods, information and other resources of the company from beginning to the end
effectively and efficiently. Supported by good organized resources and logistic,
a company will have a strong foundation to be successful in its business.
Motto | Motto
PT DNE logistic is guided to ‘The One You Can Trust’ value
in providing effective and efficient services and solution for its customers.
Visi | Vision
Conscious to become an integrated company in logistic process,
while putting customers satisfaction and faith as its first priority.
Misi | Mission
Serving every indivual customer, company and industry from every layer of society in logistic service by focusing on trusted solution in meeting customers needs.
Logistic is one of the most important part in company’s business strategy,because its role in planning and to organize the flow and the storage of goods, information and other resources of the company from beginning to the endeffectively and efficiently. Supported by good organized resources a…