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 Indonesia Business Directory
Nirwana Persada Cargo

Jl.Ikan Dorang No 26 Kel Perak Barat Krembangan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60177, Indonesia

Nirwana Persada Cargo

Phone: 623199097902

Fax: 623199097902

Email Nirwana Persada Cargo

About Nirwana Persada Cargo

Established January 2021

NPCargo is an international forwarding and transport company in Indonesia.As a medium-sized logistics organization with a worldwide presence in the most strategically important trade and port centers,we are also proud to offer you a very individual service that is specially tailored to the needs of our customers.

NPCargo proud to be one of the leading companies in Indonesia specializing in providing freight services,forwarding of import and export goods,warehouse of goods,inland transport by road,inland waterways,coastal areas and railways.We understand that in order to survive and develop NPCargo,we must always improve ourselves to provide customers with the most reliable services.

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