English Today | Business English Training Provider

English Today | Business English Training Provider

Education Administration Programs

Don’t let a lack of English stand in your way!

About us

English Today is Jakarta’s leading provider of professional Business English training. Picture this. You and your colleagues are communicating well in English, representing your company and presenting a professional image. Your long term relationships with clients are improving and sales are increasing. Whether it is in house training or private one on one Business English lessons, we will create a program that focuses on your needs. We have a long list of prestigious clients such as Garuda Indonesia, Sushi Tei and Djarum to name just a few. Contact us today for a consultation on your English language needs. 021-7456296 matthew@english-today-jakarta.com www.englishtodayjakarta.com

Education Administration Programs
Company size
11-50 employees
Jakarta Selatan
Business English Training, Customer Service English, Presentation English, Negotiation English, Sales English, and English for Meetings


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    Talavera Office Park 28th Floor

    Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 22-26 Cilandak

    Jakarta Selatan, 12043, ID

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  • 🚀 Ingin terdengar keren saat bicara dalam bahasa Inggris? , simak video berikut agar kalian bisa explore lagi kosakata keren dalam bahasa inggris!!! 🚀 Kalo "SUNGKEMAN" kira-kira apa yah kalo diartikan dalam bahasa Inggris?? Share di kolom komentar! 🌟💬 🌟 Segera bergabung dengan English Today untuk mengasah kemampuan komunikasi bisnis Anda dengan penuh percaya diri! 💼✨ #EnglishLearningIndonesia #BelajarBahasaInggris #LearnEnglish #SpeakEnglishIndonesia #IndonesiaSpeaksEnglish #EnglishTips #EnglishVocab #EnglishGrammar #EnglishConversation #EnglishProgress #EnglishStudy #BusinessEnglish #BahasaInggris #KataKeren #BelajarBahasa #ramadhan #puasa #ramadan #fyp

  • 🚀🚀 Bahasa Inggris untuk Sales, Membuka Pintu Kesuksesan Global 🚀🚀 Kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris yang baik merupakan salah satu kemampuan penting bagi seorang profesional di bidang penjualan. Kemampuan ini memungkinkan Anda untuk: 🗝️🗝️ 1. Menjangkau Pelanggan Global Di era globalisasi, banyak perusahaan yang memiliki target pasar global. Kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris memungkinkan Anda untuk berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan dari berbagai negara, membuka peluang pasar yang lebih luas. 🗝️🗝️ 2. Membangun Relasi: Kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris yang baik membantu membangun hubungan yang kuat dengan kolega dan mitra internasional. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan kerjasama dan peluang bisnis. 🗝️🗝️ 3. Meningkatkan Kredibilitas: Kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris yang baik menunjukkan profesionalisme dan meningkatkan kredibilitas Anda di mata pelanggan dan kolega. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan dan mendorong penjualan. 🗝️🗝️ 4. Mengakses Informasi dan Materi Pemasaran: Banyak informasi dan materi pemasaran, seperti brosur, situs web, dan studi kasus, tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris memungkinkan Anda untuk mengakses informasi ini dengan mudah dan meningkatkan pengetahuan produk Anda. Berikut beberapa tips untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris dalam penjualan: - Pelajari kosakata dan frasa yang umum digunakan dalam penjualan. - Berlatihlah berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan kolega atau mitra internasional. - Ikuti kursus bahasa Inggris yang berfokus pada keterampilan berbicara. - Gunakan aplikasi atau platform online untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. - Tonton film dan video berbahasa Inggris. - Dengarkan podcast dan berita berbahasa Inggris. - Dengan meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris, Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang sukses dalam penjualan. Hubungi Segera English Today: https://lnkd.in/grZQ5DCN #InterviewTips #JobInterview #CareerAdvice #ProfessionalDevelopment #FirstImpression #JobSearchTips #EnglishGrammar #EnglishConversation #EnglishProgress #BusinessEnglish #Presentation

  • "Expand Your Horizons: Finding Friends Abroad with English 🌍✨ Dive into a world of opportunities by connecting with friends abroad who speak English! 🚀🔥 Unlock new cultural experiences, gain fresh perspectives, and discover hidden treasures with your built-in travel companion. Plus, sharpen your English skills effortlessly through everyday conversations. Ready to embark on this exciting journey? Contact English Today now! https://lnkd.in/grZQ5

    How to find friends abroad with English? 🚀🚀 The World Awaits: Benefits of Friends Abroad Who Speak English 🔥🔥 Imagine expanding your social circle beyond your local community. Friends abroad who speak English offer a gateway to new experiences and broaden your horizons in exciting ways. Not only will you gain a unique cultural perspective through their traditions and stories, but you'll also have a built-in travel buddy! Your friend can be your guide, translator, and cultural compass, navigating unfamiliar customs and hidden gems you might otherwise miss. They can even help you brush up on your English through everyday conversations, making you a more confident speaker. In short, friends abroad with English unlock a world of possibilities for personal growth and connection. Hubungi Segera English Today: https://lnkd.in/grZQ5DCN #InterviewTips #JobInterview #CareerAdvice #ProfessionalDevelopment #FirstImpression #JobSearchTips #EnglishGrammar #EnglishConversation #EnglishProgress #BusinessEnglish #Presentation

  • How to find friends abroad with English? 🚀🚀 The World Awaits: Benefits of Friends Abroad Who Speak English 🔥🔥 Imagine expanding your social circle beyond your local community. Friends abroad who speak English offer a gateway to new experiences and broaden your horizons in exciting ways. Not only will you gain a unique cultural perspective through their traditions and stories, but you'll also have a built-in travel buddy! Your friend can be your guide, translator, and cultural compass, navigating unfamiliar customs and hidden gems you might otherwise miss. They can even help you brush up on your English through everyday conversations, making you a more confident speaker. In short, friends abroad with English unlock a world of possibilities for personal growth and connection. Hubungi Segera English Today: https://lnkd.in/grZQ5DCN #InterviewTips #JobInterview #CareerAdvice #ProfessionalDevelopment #FirstImpression #JobSearchTips #EnglishGrammar #EnglishConversation #EnglishProgress #BusinessEnglish #Presentation

  • 🚀🚀 Master the Art of the Deal: Top Tips to Sharpen Your Negotiation Skills 🚀🚀 Negotiation skills are valuable in many situations, from business deals to salary discussions. Here are some tips to help you improve yours: 🔥🔥 Before you Negotiate: 1. Do your research: Know your BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) and your WATNA (Worst Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement). 2. Plan your goals and strategy: What are your desired outcomes? Be flexible but identify your must-haves. 🔥🔥 At the Negotiating Table: 1. Be an active listener: Pay attention to what the other party is saying and try to understand their perspective. This will help you build rapport and find common ground. 2. Communicate clearly and confidently: Use assertive language and avoid phrases that weaken your position. 3. Focus on value creation: How can this deal benefit both sides? A win-win approach is more sustainable in the long run. 4. Be prepared to walk away: If the other party is unwilling to budge on your key points, be prepared to walk away from the negotiation. 🔥🔥 Additional Tips: 1. Be patient: Negotiation is a process, so don't expect to get everything you want right away. 2. Control your emotions: Don't get flustered or angry. 3. Practice, practice, practice: The more you negotiate, the better you'll become at it. Consider role-playing exercises to prepare for specific situations. By following these tips, you can improve your negotiation skills and achieve better outcomes in your dealings with others. Hubungi Segera English Today: https://lnkd.in/grZQ5DCN #InterviewTips #JobInterview #CareerAdvice #ProfessionalDevelopment #FirstImpression #JobSearchTips #EnglishGrammar #EnglishConversation #EnglishProgress #BusinessEnglish #Presentation

  • English Today | Business English Training Provider reposted this

    Here are some tips on how to handle questions like a pro: 🚀🚀Before the questions: 1. Be prepared: If you're anticipating questions, rehearse potential answers beforehand. This will help you feel confident and articulate when responding. 2. Know your audience: Tailor your answers to the level of understanding of the person asking the question. 🚀🚀When answering the question: 1. Listen carefully: Pay close attention to the entire question before formulating a response. 2. Clarify if needed: If the question is unclear, don't hesitate to politely ask for clarification. This will ensure you're addressing the exact issue. 3. Start strong: Briefly summarize the question and then launch into your answer. 4. Focus and be concise: Avoid rambling or going off on tangents. Stick to the key points that address the question directly. 5. Support your points: Use examples, data, or anecdotes to strengthen your answer and make it more engaging. 6. Be confident: Project confidence in your delivery, even if you're not entirely certain about an answer. 🚀🚀 Beyond the answer: 1. Welcome follow-up questions: Encourage further discussion to show you're invested in clear communication. 2. Admit what you don't know: It's okay to say "I don't know" if you genuinely lack the answer. You can always offer to find out more information. 3. End gracefully: Thank the person for their question and summarize the key points of your response. Hubungi Segera English Today: https://lnkd.in/grZQ5DCN #InterviewTips #JobInterview #CareerAdvice #ProfessionalDevelopment #FirstImpression #JobSearchTips #EnglishGrammar #EnglishConversation #EnglishProgress #BusinessEnglish #Presentation

  • Here are some tips on how to handle questions like a pro: 🚀🚀Before the questions: 1. Be prepared: If you're anticipating questions, rehearse potential answers beforehand. This will help you feel confident and articulate when responding. 2. Know your audience: Tailor your answers to the level of understanding of the person asking the question. 🚀🚀When answering the question: 1. Listen carefully: Pay close attention to the entire question before formulating a response. 2. Clarify if needed: If the question is unclear, don't hesitate to politely ask for clarification. This will ensure you're addressing the exact issue. 3. Start strong: Briefly summarize the question and then launch into your answer. 4. Focus and be concise: Avoid rambling or going off on tangents. Stick to the key points that address the question directly. 5. Support your points: Use examples, data, or anecdotes to strengthen your answer and make it more engaging. 6. Be confident: Project confidence in your delivery, even if you're not entirely certain about an answer. 🚀🚀 Beyond the answer: 1. Welcome follow-up questions: Encourage further discussion to show you're invested in clear communication. 2. Admit what you don't know: It's okay to say "I don't know" if you genuinely lack the answer. You can always offer to find out more information. 3. End gracefully: Thank the person for their question and summarize the key points of your response. Hubungi Segera English Today: https://lnkd.in/grZQ5DCN #InterviewTips #JobInterview #CareerAdvice #ProfessionalDevelopment #FirstImpression #JobSearchTips #EnglishGrammar #EnglishConversation #EnglishProgress #BusinessEnglish #Presentation

  • Seberapa Penting Bahasa Inggris untuk Tujuan Khusus dalam Karier Anda? Bahasa Inggris telah menjadi bahasa universal yang penting dalam dunia kerja modern. Namun, lebih dari sekadar memiliki kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris secara umum, penting bagi para profesional untuk mengembangkan kemahiran bahasa Inggris yang ditujukan untuk tujuan khusus dalam karier mereka. Ini adalah beberapa alasan mengapa kemahiran bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus sangat penting bagi kemajuan karier Anda: 1. Kesesuaian dengan Industri: Setiap industri memiliki terminologi dan kosakata khusus yang perlu dipahami oleh para profesional di dalamnya. Dengan menguasai bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus yang relevan dengan industri Anda, Anda dapat lebih mudah berkomunikasi dengan rekan kerja dan klien, serta lebih memahami peraturan dan praktik terbaru dalam bidang Anda. 2. Kemampuan Komunikasi yang Efektif: Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus membantu Anda mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi yang efektif dalam situasi kerja tertentu. Misalnya, jika Anda bekerja dalam bidang hukum, Anda perlu dapat berbicara dan menulis dengan jelas dan tegas. Dengan menguasai bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus dalam hukum, Anda dapat menjadi lebih percaya diri dalam berkomunikasi dengan kolega dan klien. 3. Peluang Karier yang Lebih Baik: Kemahiran bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus dapat membuka pintu untuk peluang karier yang lebih baik dan lebih menantang. Banyak perusahaan multinasional dan organisasi internasional mencari karyawan yang memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang kuat dan juga memahami konteks spesifik dari bidang mereka. Dengan menguasai bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus, Anda dapat meningkatkan daya saing Anda di pasar kerja global. Dalam era globalisasi dan persaingan yang semakin ketat, kemahiran bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan khusus menjadi semakin penting bagi para profesional yang ingin mencapai kesuksesan dalam karier mereka. Dengan fokus pada pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang ditujukan untuk keperluan spesifik dalam industri Anda, Anda dapat memperluas jangkauan profesional Anda dan meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk meraih sukses di pasar kerja yang kompetitif. Hubungi Segera English Today: https://lnkd.in/grZQ5DCN #InterviewTips #JobInterview #CareerAdvice #ProfessionalDevelopment #FirstImpression #JobSearchTips #EnglishGrammar #EnglishConversation #EnglishProgress #BusinessEnglish

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