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TOP' IN furniture

Jl. Gunung Latimojong no.129, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Phone: +62 (411) 323795, 313260

Fax: +62 (411) 316353

Email TOP' IN furniture

About TOP' IN furniture

Welcome to TOP' IN® furniture Website. Our goal is to provide you with useful information about our company that we hope makes it easier for you to do business with us.

We has been serving the furniture community since 1980. Our concept is to meet up customers directly to the factory outlet representatives. Every day at TOP' IN® furniture, customers discover exclusive, stylish, quality furniture they can afford. Because our prices are low every day of the week and every month of the year. You’re not misled with phony sales or fake 50% discounts. Plus, just like your favorite clothing store, we’re constantly updating our inventory, offering the latest looks in home furniture fashions at great prices.

Along with the creation of this great furniture company, an exciting and innovative way to shop furniture was born. TOP' IN® furniture is introducing the concept of displaying and packaging furniture in complete room settings. Our designers coordinate each room’s colors, fabrics and accessories to the last detail, so customers don’t have to. This approach affords customers a simplified shopping experience and increased savings when buying an entire room.

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12/16/2009 Visit us for: COMFORTA Spring Bed EXHIBITION (17 s/d 30 December 2009) HARGA PALING MURAH!! TAMBAH LAGEE HADIAH LANGSUNG!! (syarat & ketentuan berlaku) Every TOP' IN's EXHIBITION is the Biggest Exhibi Read More »

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